Good Personal Credit? Need Fast Funding? Get the Fast Unsecured Corporate Funding you need with NO Upfront Fees. You pay only 15% Success Fee when you get RESULTS.
This program focuses on obtaining approvals for Unsecured Corporate Credit Cards with No Income and No Asset Verification, some of which may have 0% APR for 6 to 12 Months, or other attractive promotional APR offers. We also teach you methods that can be used to access the Full Credit Limit of each Corporate Credit Card in CASH and at the Purchase APR.
Please Note: Your Personal Guarantee is required for this Program. Each Credit Application will result in a Hard Inquiry on your Personal Credit on one or more of the Personal Credit Bureaus. You must have already received the Funding Road Map before applying and this application must be in accordance with our mutually-agreed upon Plan of Action. If you apply before receiving the Funding Road Map, we may decide to hold your Application until you obtain the Funding Road Map and are in a better position to be Approved for Funding.
1. 3+ Years of Clean Credit History.
No Derogatory Items or at least none in the recent past.
2. 3+ Open Revolving Credit Accounts.
Usually 3 Open Credit Card or Department Store Cards.
3. 30% or Lower Revolving Debt Ratio.
30% or less of the combined credit limits of all Unsecured Revolving Accounts.
4. 720+ Credit Scores.
There are no minimum credit scores, but 720+ is ideal.
5. No More Than 6 Inquiries per Credit Bureau in the last 6 Months.
Obvious Mortgage Loan and Auto Loan Inquiries may not be counted towards the total, depending on the lender.
Not close enough to the Ideal Credit Profile?
Talk to us – We can guide you!
This is the Ideal Credit Profile, NOT Minimum Requirements.
The closer you are to this Ideal Profile,
the better Funding Results you will achieve.