Bad Personal Credit? Need Funding with NO Personal Guarantees nor Credit Checks? Get NO-PG Unsecured Corporate Funding within only 6 to 12 Months.
This program focuses on progressively and extensively building your Corporate Credit Scores and Ratings over a 6 to 12 Month period, until you are able to obtain Unsecured Corporate Credit Cards and other types of Corporate Financing, such as Equipment Leasing, Auto Leasing, Lines of Credit, and Loans to achieve your Funding Goals.
Because you will naturally obtain an 80 Paydex Score within the first 60 Days on this Program, there is no need to purchase the 80 Paydex Program if you are on the NO-PG Funding Program. We also teach you methods that can be used to access the Full Credit Limit of each Corporate Credit Card in CASH and at the Purchase APR.